Lisbon to Porto Trains

Up to 28 daily departures
Departure station:
Gare do Oriente
Av. Dom João II, 1900-233 Lisboa, Portugal
Distance by train
Distance by train:
​​274 kilometers
Arrival station:
Campanha Station
R. Pinheiro de Campanhã, 4300-173, Porto, Portugal

Lisbon to Porto Train Information

Eager to explore the gems of Portugal's west coast? Without a doubt, one of the most time-saving options to explore the wonders of the country is hopping on the Lisbon to Porto Alfa pendular high-speed train. At first glance, air travel may seem a better option, but though the flight itself will take your a bit less than 1 hour, you need to spend extra time on check-in procedure and additional transfers as unlike train stations, airports aren't centrally located.

Getting from Lisbon to Porto takes at average around 3 hours. Travelers can choose from 14 daily departures, and 2 comfortable travel classes. On Rail.Ninja online booking platform you can find both, early morning departures from around 6 a.m., and night departures until 10 p.m. Below you can find more useful information about Lisbon to Porto train schedule, available rail services, and answers to the most popular questions about trains in Portugal.

Lisbon to Porto Train Schedule

Daily departures

Daily departures

Earliest departure

Earliest departure


Latest departure

Latest departure

Price starts from

Price starts from

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Railway Map

Looking for Lisbon to Porto train map? Click on the map below to zoom in your departure and arrival cities. You can check real-time timetables, travel stations, current prices, and book your ticket for this route on Rail.Ninja.
Alfa Pendular Train Map

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