Lagos to Porto Trains

Up to 5 daily departures
Departure station:
Lagos Central Station
Estrada de São Roque, 8600-318, Lagos, Portugal
Distance by train
Distance by train:
​​590 kilometers
Arrival station:
Campanha station
R. Pinheiro de Campanhã, 4300-173, Porto, Portugal​

Lagos to Porto Train Information

Breathtaking natural sceneries of Lagos continue enchanting thousands of travelers from all corners of the planet coming to Portugal to see its wonders with their own eyes. If this lovely Algarve town is your next destination, modern Lagos to Porto high-speed train is among the quickest options on this popular route. Several trains are serving this rail line, including legendary Alfa Pendular that is often chosen by Portugal explorers thanks to its saturated departure schedule, comfortable travel classes, and impressive speed of 220 kph (137 mph).​
Daily departures

Daily departures

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Latest departure

Latest departure

Price starts from

Price starts from


Book Train Tickets from Lagos to Porto

Railway Map

Looking for Lagos to Lisbon train map? Click on the map below to zoom in your departure and arrival cities. You can check real-time timetables, travel stations, current prices, and book your ticket for this route on Rail.Ninja.

Alfa Pendular Train Map

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