Faro to Porto Trains

Up to 2 daily departures
Departure station:
Faro Central Station
Largo da Estação, 8000-133, Faro, Portugal
Distance by train
Distance by train:
​​627 kilometers
Arrival station:
Campanha Station
R. Pinheiro de Campanhã, 4300-173, Porto, Portugal

Faro to Porto Train Information

For anyone travelling back from the sunny city of Porto to Faro we recommend you to hop on an Alfa pendular high-speed train that will take 6 hours of travelling along the wonderful Portuguese west coast. The distance between Faro Central Station and the Campanha Station is 627 kilometres, which by looking at the map you can see that the train journey from Faro to Porto will take you across almost the entirety of Portugal.

As there are only 2 daily departures on average, make sure to plan out your travel thoughtfully and take into consideration that the earliest departure is at 7 a.m and the latest one is at 4 p.m.
Daily departures

Daily departures

Earliest departure

Earliest departure


Latest departure

Latest departure

Price starts from

Price starts from


Book Train Tickets from Faro to Porto

Railway Map

​Looking for Faro to Porto train map? Click on the map below to zoom in your departure and arrival cities. You can check real-time timetables, travel stations, current prices, and book your ticket for this route on Rail.Ninja.
Alfa Pendular Train Map

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