Albufeira to Lisbon Trains

Up to 5 daily departures
Departure station:
Ferreiras Station
Largo da Estação, 8200-569, Albufeira, Portugal
Distance by train
Distance by train:
256 kilometers
Arrival station:
Gare do Oriente
Av. Dom João II, 1900-233 Lisboa, Portugal

Information About Train From Albufeira to Lisbon

Are you searching for the most time-efficient option to get from the very south of Portugal to its striking capital? Then look no further than Alfa Pendular express train, which boasts an impressive speed of 220 kph (187 mph) and is noted for the shortest travel time on the Albufeira to Lisbon rail line. In general, Albufeira to Lisbon timetable features up to 5 departures, but Alfa Pendular trains to the capital leave Ferreiras station only 2 times a day, so make sure to book your Portugal train tickets in advance!
Also, you can check how to get from Lisbon to Algarve and book you reverse train tickets.
Moreover, if you are interested in getting from Lisbon to Porto or getting from Lisbon to Algarve, you can find all the needed info on our website.
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Book Train Tickets from Albufeira to Lisbon

Albufeira - Lisbon Train Map

Looking for Albufeira to Lisbon train map? Click on the map below to zoom in your departure and arrival cities. You can check real-time timetables, travel stations, current prices, and book your ticket for this route on Rail.Ninja.
Alfa Pendular Train Map

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