Lisbon to Faro Trains

Up to 13 daily departures
Departure station:
Gare do Oriente
Av. Dom João II, 1900-233 Lisboa, Portugal
Distance by train
Distance by train:
295 kilometers
Arrival station:
Faro Central Station
Largo da Estação, 8000-133, Faro, Portugal

Lisbon to Faro Train Information

It goes without saying that taking a high-speed train from Lisbon to Faro is one of the best options to get around sun-kissed Portugal. Since there are several rail services available on the route featuring express Intercidades and high-speed Alfa Pendular trains, Portugal explorers are welcome to choose the type of train, and train travel classes, based on their budget and comfort preferences. Regardless of which kind of trains in Portugal you decide to travel by, you can be sure that both of them are modern and offer a wide range of onboard facilities.
Also, you can check how to get from Faro to Lisbon and book a reverse train ticket.
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Book Train Tickets from Lisbon to Faro

Railway Map

Looking for Lisbon to Faro train map? Click on the map below to zoom in your departure and arrival cities. You can check real-time timetables, travel stations, current prices, and book your ticket for this route on Rail.Ninja.
Alfa Pendular Train Map

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